

CURRENTLY NO INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE. The OneThing internship is an eight week program calling people into a wholehearted pursuit of God, seeking the Lord with consecrated lives of prayer and fasting and being equipped to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sessions Include:

  • Meditating on the Word – Learning the depth of scripture
  • Intimacy with Jesus – A walk thru the Song of Solomon
  • Silence and Contemplation – Becoming a Mary of Bethany
  • End Times – Knowing the signs of the times


  • Time in the prayer room – possibly adopting one prayer set to be a part of
  • Tuesday night training sessions
  • Tuition – $250 (Can be made in two monthly payments)

Two Ways to Apply:

  1. Fill out our Online Application
  2. Download the physical application then follow the instructions for submitting it via mail.

Here is a testimony:

Going through the internship at the Cleveland House of Prayer was one of the best experiences of my Christian walk. I count it among the three most life-changing events that impacted my Christian life along with experiencing of the outpouring of the Toronto Blessing and receiving deliverance ministry. It was such a privilege during that season of my life to be able to devote myself to lingering in God’s presence, studying His word, learning from the teachings offered, and practicing what I learned. During the internship and the time spent before and after in the prayer room, my roots went down deeper into the depths of God’s love. I feel that I came away from the experience with a much more solid foundation in the Lord. This depth in my relationship with Jesus helped me to be firmly established in Him as I walk through life and has had a wonderful and powerful effect in all areas of my life: personal, work, and ministry.  J. Henderson